Looking for your next beach front Kapalua home or luxury Kapalua condo while vacationing on Maui? We have just made it easier than ever to find your next home on Maui while virtually anywhere on the island!
Sakamoto Properties is proud to announce two helpful additions to our website: Maui Open Houses and Navigation to your prospective Maui home.
First up, our Maui Open Houses section lets you discover some of Maui’s best deals and most spectacular properties, with information on what days they will be available for general showings. This is a great way to plan out your house hunting ahead of time, especially if you are on a tight schedule.
In addition to our new open house section, SakamotoProperties.com now has an even more spectacular feature of particular use to our smartphone visitors: Real Time navigation information to your prospective Maui home! Simply go to any listing on our website, and press the “Get Directions” button (if your phone does not show this button immediately, press show map and then the “Get Directions” button at the bottom of your screen.) With GPS/Location enabled, our smart mapping system will automatically discern your current location, and give you turn by turn directions to the property of your choice. It doesn’t get much easier than that!
Now that you have these wonderful options at your disposal, take them for a spin and let us know your thoughts in the comment box below. Mahalo!