As the world becomes increasingly connected, the need for increased access to services and solutions to common issues also becomes increasingly important. Those looking for Maui real estate services in particular surely know the importance of easy access to information about our unique market. At Sakamoto Properties, we fully recognize the need of our current and future clients to have access to concise, up to date information, not just on the luxury Kapalua home market, but on the many facets of our wonderful island home. For this reason, we gladly provide multiple points of access for information on all facets of the Maui experience; from the best deals in waterfront Kapalua condos, to the finest dining, unique events, even the latest weather information (which, most days of the year, can be summed up in a single word: sunny!)
As regular readers already know, the blog on your screen right now is one fantastic outlet which we frequently utilize for our clients. Beyond the blog, there is, of course, our website, (without which there would be no blog.) Your central source of information on the luxury Maui home market, provides a selection of high end home and condominium listings found throughout the island, with special emphasis on the waterfront communities of Kapalua and Kaanapali. In addition to our cornerstone web properties, Sakamoto Properties also maintains a large Social Media presence across the major platforms:
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Follow @MauiSakamoto on Twitter for up to the minute conversation on the best Maui has to offer in homes, entertainment, and dining.
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Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to watch Betty, Roy, and the knowledgeable agents of Sakamoto Properties discuss the latest trends in the Maui real estate market.
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Quite a few options, with many more to come! So connect with us on your favorite platform(s) and get unrestricted access to the Maui property information you need today!