Kapalua Demographic: Maui Video Blog

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What is the demographic in Kapalua?
November 10, 2015

Roy & Betty discuss some of the wonderful real estate buyers they have known over the years that help make the community of Kapalua special in this Maui Video Blog. Do you have a question about real estate or Maui in general? Ask our Maui experts!

Betty: One of the questions Roy that I think, that I'm asked a lot and I'm sure you are is "what is the actual demographic of Kapalua?" Its, I think its worldwide.

Roy: Oh, no question. Just off hand, there are buyers I know from Korea, Japan, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Thailand, that's just the foreign countries I can think of offhand.

B: I believe somebody from India here was an owner.

R: India, that's right.

B: Yes.

R: And many states in the 50 states of the U.S. are owners here.

B: We've often said that if you were to try and say that where probably the most owners came from and it's probably the West coast. Certainly, there are a lot of California owners but there are a lot of New York owners, there are people from Pennsylvania, Florida. I mean I could get kind of crazy just trying to remember all of them.

R: Alabama.

B: Alabama.

R: There are some states that you wouldn't think of.

B: Yeah. So the demographic I think is world-wide. Probably the simplest answer is, the demographic here is world-wide.

R: And it's neat you know, to find owners here in town. We have a good friend, good client friend from Korea to have him talking to someone from Germany and they were exchanging ideas. It's a great world-wide international community.

B: Over the years, we've put people together a lot, you know so we have a group in town and we will try and arrange a little barbecue or something and we've ended up with people again from around the world. We once put two couples that were both from Hong Kong at a party we were having and it turned out that the two couples, each of them, had lunch at the same restaurant every day. They were business people in Hong Kong. They never met one another but they had always seen and admired the other couple and they met for the first time in Maui. Stuff like that happens. It's really amazing. Maui in general Hawaii is an amazing place. People talk to people that in their own area they would never talk to because it would be, I hate to say, almost beneath them . You know, there is more of a; there is a different set up around the world.

R: There is a different social system.

B: Yes, around the world and here they can just be the best friends and I think they take it home with them and I think things like that are amazing.

R: Yes